Saturday, September 22, 2007

10 Things We Can Do To Take America Back From The Corruption!

1.Vote out all incumbents

2.Impeach the Entire Bush admin. procecute.

3.Term limits, 1 term and you are out. Period!

4.Take away the right of Corp's to lobby.

5.Make campaign contributions legal ONLY from citizens and a max of 200 bucks each.

6.Make the voting paper again.

7.Eliminate Private contractors in a war zone.

8.Charge police officers with the crimes they commit.

9.Eliminate the Federal Reserve which is privately owned.

10.If all of this fails, Do what the Constitution allows for. Disolve the current Government and start over.

But the quickest way is to do a boycot of all major media, and corperations and go on strike until they listen and DO what the people want