Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Congress Has The Power of The Purse, But We Hold The Purse Strings!

It is often said that congress has the power of the purse, But WE THE PEOPLE are the ones that fill that purse.

It is commonly known that "special interest" a fancy phrase for corp buyoffs of our politicians. And most say that we can do nothing about it and that is where i do not agree.

Spread the word and lets organize a 4 hour powerdown of the Television. This will cost the major corperate companies to lose billions in revenue. it will include missed commercials, the cost of the advertising and the lost sales and branding effect.

The only thing these people pay attention to is money, so lets lighten the load a little and see if they decide to pay attention to us again.

Lets get a 4 hour blackout from the tube on Sept 30th and start at 7:00P.M until 11:00P.M and this will cost them billions.

Then, If that does not work we can go to step 2 which would be a day of boycot of any given target('s).

They hold the purse, but we do not have to put anything in it! I know, you say they will borrow it, But i doubt that their credit will go very far without income.

We, as a country have always come togather in a time of need. and WE NEED to get a grip on this tyrannicle Government before we are slaves by our own inaction.