Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bush Is Not Stupid! The American Population is Stupid.

It is about time an Honest American tells the truth and since no one else want's to step up to the pump, I guess i will.

I keep hearing people call Bush a moron, Retarded, Crazy and a host of other names when the finger needs to be pointed at the person you see in the miror.

First, Let's look at the goals that the Bush Admin has attained since his coup in Nov. 2000. He first stoled the elections and there was NO public outcry. Just the news media capitalizing on the buzz! Notice i said "buzz"?

Then there was this think tank that is PNAC. Do a search on PNAC and read their site in full. What you read there may suprise you.

It is basicaly the playbook for the Bush Admin. And it has been followed to the T. Over 80% of the Pnac documents "whish list" has been completed. With subjects like a transformation with a catalyst described as "A New Pearl Harbor" 9-11 opened the doors to their wish list.

Military spending has been raised to the exact figure the documents suggested. We have taken on a pre-emptive position with foreign policy as stated in the documents. Securing Middle east natural resources and as stated in the documents "especialy persian gulf oil" as written.

Dick Cheney has openly favored for years that the president have more power than the Constitution allows.
They have implimented torture against American and International laws. Lied Repeatedly to the people of America and the world and have not had to answer for it by blocking the justice system with politics. Using record signing statements is one of the staples of this admin.

Warrantless wiretaps, Illegal searches of the American People. Power grabs by presidential directives where he can can now take control of state guard units without approval of the States Govenor.

Prior to 9-11 the "Patriot Act?" was already a completed draft. Enacting laws and presidential directives that gives him almost unlimited powers that include suspending the constitution of the U.S. if he see's fit to do so under any "emergency" that he himself declares.

He has lied and twisted information to justify an illegal invasion into a country that they claimed had WMD's, when in fact they knew the whole time that there were no WMD's.

This list could go on and on. with over 1000 signing statements. A statement that the Constitution is a "God Damned peice of paper" this president and his admin has broken about every law a President could break, and got caught, and still blocks justice openly.

And The People of America have the Nerve to call him Stupid?

The fact of the matter is that the People of America are the Morons, Retarded, Crazy and a host of other names that they so love to call this President.

He keeps dishing it out and "We The Sheeple" keep taking it. Just today he squashed an Anti War protest on the hill and arrested over 190 protesters who were practising their Rights as an American. Again today. He breaks the Laws and denies us the rights protected by the Constitution of the United States of America.

70 years ago we were told "We have nothing to fear but fear itself". And now this Admin tells us to Fear everything, and give up your liberty for Freedom.

You Retards, Liberty is Freedom. Thinking patterns have changed and now we are taught to rely on a government that is just as corrupt as Hitler himself.

you people are so dumbed down that you think you have no way to stop the insanity, but in fact you, as an American do have the power of the Purse. Not Congress.

I know that you say that they can spend as they please, and if we do not go along, they will get support from the Big Corp American Giants. Well, I have news for you, A 3 day boycott of the major corperations will shut them up and make them listen and do. If 3 days do not work, A week will, and then if it takes more, so be it.

If they have no income, they can't buy the politicians anymore. "We the People" are still in power(for now).

They are collapsing our econemy, lowering wages and consilidating wealth. this is designed to destroy the middle class. And they do want to destroy the middle class. The reason they want this is because if you are poor, you can not fight back, you do not have the resources to do so.

If you look at 3rd world countries, they are controlled by governments and can not even afford fight back. and you can be assured that if you are poor, it is a struggle just to eat, and a sickly popluation has never been able to regain controll of "THEIR" government.

American are still somewhat comfortable and will sit on their lazy asses until they feel the pain. But by the time the pain spreads to the masses of the population, it will be too late, Just as it has happened throughout history.

Are you aware that the Patriot Act is being used to imprision U.S. Citizens right now? There are Americans that are not terrorist serving extended sentances right now from the Patriot Act.

I am going to prove a point about the lazy Population right here. when was the last time you were upset, disturbed, worried or angry about what this admin has done?

What did you do about it? Not one phone call to a senator or congress man. Not one letter, nothing! You just sit on your fat asses and point fingers at Democrats or Republicans when Neither Party gives a shit about you.

you just recently fell for one of the oldest sales tricks in the book with the "Surge" issue.

He first went against the will of the people and increased the troops in IRAQ with his SURGE. then says he will draw down by next summer. But the reality is that even if he does reduce them by 30 thousand by next summer, he is still at the origional force after it is all said and done. So the cry from the people to end the war is all on deaf ears. He pulled a basic retail scam on you dummies. He raised the price and (if he does reduce them) puts the item on sale, and you fools buy it hook, line and sinker.

The next time you want to call Bush or his admin stupid, you need to look in the mirror.

Wake up America, Before there is No America to wake up to.