Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nukes Missing? Martial Law Declared Sept 15th, U.S. Military aircraft standown on the 14th? 4.5 Billion in Put Options On Stock Market! End Of America

The first stories and latter stories from U.S. Government officials are not adding up and may be cause for great alarm. Are we the people being set up for a nuke attack on the U.S.?

Was it 5 or 6 nukes?

On August 30th, 2007 the U.S. Air Force “mistakenly” transported some live nuclear missles on the wing pods of a B-52 bomber enroute from Minot, ND to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. This act was in violation of every possible protocol for transporting nukes. More importantly, early counts of the number of missiles transported don’t mesh with later reports. Was it 5 nukes, or 6?

Here is an excerpt from a news story about a week ago.

Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale.
That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten.
Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota.
Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.
Which leads to my chilling conclusion:
Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon

The origional report was 6 nukes! Click here to see the origional reports that were suddenly changed to 5 nukes the following day in the U.S. Media

Now, I had found a story i posted earlier yesterday about a U.S. Military aircraft Standown starting sept 14th. No military aircraft are allowed to fly on the 14th of this september. What is the real reason behind this?

Have you ever heard of an Electro Magnetic Pulse? It is caused by Nukes going off and disables instruments in aircraft. Seems like a good reason for a stand down. To protect their aircraft!

I believe that We will no longer be a free country after the 14th of this september, just 2 days from now unless we get the word out!

Then on the 15th we go into a martial law "war game" with bush declared dictator of the U.S.

This smells of the smae tatic used prior to 9-11.

On 9-11 they were using war games to simulate a terrorist attack using highjacked jet aircraft.

The london bombing on 7-7 were also practising war games with a train bombing exercise at the same exact time!

Now, the new Vigilant Shield 08 will simulate a nuke attack on an undisclosed U.S area with all of the same tatics, with a missing Nuke, An air command standown and a declaration of Martial law already in place!

There was also a report of massive "PUT" options on the stack market betting over 1 Billion dollars that the U.S. Stock Market would fall by 30 to 50% before sept 21 2007! Seems someone knows something! These PUT Options are being refered to as the Bin Ladin Trades!

We the people need to get the word out FAST. This is the only way to stop this insanity!

Book mark this site and send the link to friends and news media, Our country may depend on it!